Prochem Liquid Defoamer 5L

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£24.11 £20.09


For professional and industrial use only.
Shake well before use.
Add 20ml. of Liquid Defoamer concentrate per 10 litres of recovery tank
capacity (1 to 500).
Mix the required amount of concentrate in a small amount of water and feed
this solution into the vacuum hose, with the vacuum motor switched on.
For upright extraction machines with no vacuum hose, add pre-diluted Liquid
Defoamer directly to the waste recovery tank. Repeat above methods of
defoaming after every emptying of the waste recovery tank.
Do not add Defoamer to the cleaning solution.
Do not apply Defoamer directly to the carpet.
For excessive foam, increase the amount of Liquid Defoamer required.

• Professional anti-foam concentrate for carpet hot water extraction machines.
• Contains high concentrate of p


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Prochem Liquid Defoamer 5L